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Frx Viewer For Mac

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by anelunsi1987 2020. 1. 25. 06:14


Frx Viewer For Mac
  1. Free Viewer For Mac

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Frx viewer for mac

Free Viewer For Mac

Main Features. Create.NET compatible database solutions utilizing enhanced SQL language capabilities. Enhance your user interface to maximize productivity. Build all types of database solutions that are compatible with.NET technology. Customize data reporting with precise control over output and formatting Microsoft Visual FoxPro was a database management program for Windows.

It utilizes its own programming language to develop database solutions. It was originally available for both Mac and Windows but later versions dropped support for Mac.

Visual FoxPro was designed to provide its users with an efficient interface to create database applications for both desktop, client-server environments, and the Web. You can modify the interface to your liking and personalize your experience with the properties window. You can also customize data reporting to fit your needs. Many enthusiasts of Visual FoxPro continue to use the program despite it not being updated since 2007. If you are looking for a tool for developing.NET compatible databases in place of Visual FoxPro, Microsoft recommends LightSwitch from Visual Studio.

Frx Viewer For Mac